Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Christmas is right around the corner! and i have no Christmas spirit =/.. like where did it all go???? i want it back now! when i was little i anticipated Christmas! i mean couldn't sleep, eat! i remember sneaking through the house looking for gifts! lol . now its like i could care less. this year i went a little shopping spending money which i really didn't mind spending. as i was walking through the mall and all this holiday music was playing i was thinking ugh! i wish they would turn this off!!! smh why is it as we get older we get more miserable?? we loose the things that once made us happy smile laugh day dream? we loose our inner child?? .  everyone wants to be grown!. we don't believe in things that are non tangible (non touchable) anymore ! we don't dream of what could be anymore! i'm really going try and enjoy this Christmas! watch Christmas movies! drink hot coco but i'm not singing Christmas corrals lol thats over doing it. But no on a serious note i want my inner child back! i know shes there someone where and i'm pulling her out!! =) 

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